We offer a fully managed end-to-end Business Intelligence as a Service that is tailored to Ship Management Companies and their needs, helping them transform data into actionable intelligence
Business Intelligence Solutions
Unlock the Power of Business Intelligence with Our BI-As-A-Service Solutions

Procurement and Voyage Analytics Packages
combine prebuilt business content and data flows in a single BI platform backed up by leading cloud services, IBM, AWS, and Azure. You can implement it quickly and easily customize it to meet specific analytic requirements.
Using Procurement Analytics Package Ship Owners and Management Companies gain a comprehensive data analysis of procurement activities initiated within their procurement system.
Market Information Package
In addition to the data retrieved from a company’s systems, we offer a complete solution with an integrated connection to maritime market information providers that help companies to run strategic market analyses and performance benchmarking.
AI Enhancement Package
Predictive analytics allows organizations to utilize machine learning algorithms to identify trends and extract insights from complex data sets across multiple sources.
BI-As-A-Service Packages Overview
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